Saturday, June 27, 2009

Misty day, blue borage

It is so warm today i dont even have a jersey on. It rained all day yesterday and last night and is just very misty today - i can hear my garden sighing in delight. The blue borage has its first flower and Sonny is so excited! He claims anything with blue flowers as his own, and i am hoping to entice him into eating salad this spring by scattering this precious blue stars through the lettuce leaves. Apparently they taste like cucumber, i am yet to find out for myself.

We have been keeping our fire cranking, so nice for stories and finger games. I found a cool book called "Heaven on Earth" which i strive to create for my family especially its young children, this book contains many secrets and whispers to spur me on in my efforts, no matter how jaded i become by the enormity of the task. It also helps to have glimpses such as this of how it could indeed be possible...

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