Another stunner day, did alot of weeding YAY! Took Ishta to playgroup at Steiner school this morning then spent the whole afternoon in the garden planting strawberries. It was slightly a mission as i had to first move the strawflower seedlings that had sprouted up in the vege garden, then move over some compost, pick out all the centipedes for my dear son to "play" with, THEN plant the strawberries. I got these ones from the gorgeous lady at the farmers market who sells the edible plants. She is such a funny old hippy, i love her. She sells the most amazing herbs, and next week i am going to buy a blackcurrant bush from her.
My most gorgeous fiance cooked dinner tonight, and now he is going to babysit while i go to my Soul Doll workshop. We are apparently meditating on our 14-21st years tonight, which may be heavy as those were some particularly dark years for me... but its a lovely supportive atmosphere to explore them in, plus Osha always has REALLY good rosehip tea...