Oh Palmers, how i love to throw my money at thee... i had such good intentions, but $67 later i have ANOTHER huge tray of icelandic poppies, three of ranunculus, and some VERY exciting new seeds! Yay yay yay i have SO been wanting to try some lisianthus, apparently very good sellers but very tricky to grow well... oh well worth a shot. Feeling more than slightly guilty but also overly orgasmic right now, bloomaholic mwah? I will make it up to Sean, partly when my flower stall makes MILLIONS and partly tonight when i lavish him with some of the friskiness this mini spending-spree has rubbed up.
We had a most lovely afternoon today, twas Sonny's idea to pick some oranges and make juice. Actually we have mandarins and tangelos so the juice was "refreshing" to say the least but with the amount of mucous flowing around here at the moment i'd say the vitamin C shot was most timely.
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