Saturday, August 15, 2009

A name?

I have almost finished my first jointed Steiner doll!! He is soooo lovely, i am in love with him like a newborn from my own womb (well, almost) and i feel he has such personality and soul. I can't WAIT to give him to Sonny, i just know he will love him so much and he will be such a special friend to him at a time when he particularly needs one. I feel blessed that Sonny has been spared so far from peer pressure concerning toys that are 'manly' and that it is common-place for boys to play with their "babies" at his school; if every man in this world had had his nurturing side nurtured as a boy, what a different life experience we'd all be having...

What i am wondering is what he will name him? And will he stay 'male'? Sonny suddenly began to love teddies about a year ago (something which took me completely by surprise as he had never been interested in them before) and several are now his best mates. They all have to be present and accounted for in bed each night before lights are out, but what i find interesting is that they are all female. I did an interactive piece at uni where viewers were invited to decorate a paper doll and place it within a 'scene' that i had created. 100% of participants created a doll of their own sex, all the girls made girls all the boys made boys...

I remember when Ben told me that i called the shots on how Sonny was raised, that he wouldn't fight me on anything, that there was only one thing he put his foot down on: BOYS DON'T PLAY WITH DOLLS! I bought Sonny one the next day, and now i've made him one with some soul.

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