Monday, August 24, 2009

Flighty like a fantail

Ishta refuses to sit in her high-chair; lucky we have a nice lil Ishy-size table...
I have trouble seeing things thru to fruition. I am very passionate and maybe thats why the fire heats very quickly, is fanned into an inferno, then sucks all the oxygen from me and is smothered when i can't keep up the pace...

I have decided to self-publish a small children's book to sell at Sonny's school fair in Nov. It is less than 3 months til my wedding and i havn't organised shit. Book club? What book club..?

1 comment:

Raven Moon Magic said...

dont mean to be the all mighty knower of everything haha, but Im with a group called publish me
they will publish/print anything you want, print it anyway 1 to millions of copies. and you can ask for advice, anything. its for the smaller people who wanna do their own thing. i love it, spread the word flighty fantail, great explination by the way, you have explained it beautifully. you and me sister, the tree of rotting un eaten figs xxx